Stata For Students

Stata for Students Stata for Students is designed for undergraduate students taking methodology classes in the social sciences at UW-Madison, but it will be useful to students taking similar classes elsewhere or anyone looking for a basic introduction to Stata. The Stata News—a periodic publication containing articles on using Stata and tips on using the software, announcements of new releases and updates, feature highlights, and other announcements of interest to interest to Stata users—is sent to all Stata users and those who request information about Stata from us. Yes, please send me the News.

Statistics Help For Students

A simple online guide for beginners, with pictures and words that students can understand. Created because my undergraduates needed more instruction than what their textbooks could offer. My students needed...

  • To know how to enter data and what their data files should look like.
  • To see each SPSS screen as we conducted an analysis.
  • To understand how to interpret their results.
  • To be shown how to write about their results in APA style.

This online guide is designed for my students and for students like them.

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Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion


T-Tests - Independent and Paired Samples

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Between and Within Subjects

Correlation - Pearson's r and Scatterplots

Helpful Resources

  • Research Assistantship Advantages