Plain Text Resume

Formatted resumes have multi-level bullets, exotic fonts and specialized spacing, which is the opposite of plain-text resumes. Though the text in a formatted resume is legible and looks better, many hiring managers and interviewers prefer to receive resume submissions in a simple, unformatted document. Dec 09, 2009 Below are the steps necessary to transform your resume into a plain-text file. Saving your Word resume as ASCII text. Open a simple text editing program such as Notepad (on the PC, under Start. Create your resume, save it, and then follow these steps to convert it to plain text using the Notepad program on your computer. Click 'Edit' → 'Select All.' Click 'Edit' → 'Copy.' Click 'Start' on your computer → 'Programs' → 'Accessories' → 'Notepad.' This opens the Notepad program. Click 'Edit' → 'Paste.' A plain text document leaves out all of the formatting and only deals with the body of the document. The first thing you need to do when creating your plain text resume is to use the 'save as' function in your word processor. How to send a Plain Text resume via e-mail: 1. When sending an email to a specific employer, copy and paste your- entire plain text resume in the body of the email. You want to start your e- -mail with a brief cover letter, explaining why you are writing and announcing the presence of your resume further down in the email.


During job and internship search, a resumé plays a very important role. As such, well-written resumés will get anyone a high number of job interviews. Then rest is up to you to get the job.

That’s why resumés play a major role in the job search process. A friend of mine submitted his resumé in pdf format while he’s making online job searches.

If a resumé is sent using this format and it will be scanned by keyword scanners, then a pdf format will not be recognized by the software and the resumé will never get into the hands of the hiring manager. It’s like sending nothing at all.

Plain resume format

What Is A Text Resume

There are different types of resumés, so students must use the appropriate type depending on a particular situation.

Resume Types:

Plain Text Resume Converter

Plain text resume builder

Plain Text Resume Retail


Plain Text Resume Sample

  1. A Print Version, designed with bulleted lists, italicized text, and other highlights, ready to be printed and emailed or sent by hand to potential contacts and interviewers.
  2. A Scannable Version, a less-designed version without the fancy design highlights. Bulleted lists are fine, but that’s about the limit.
  3. A Plain Text Version, a simple file ready to be copied and pasted into online forms or posted in online resumé databases. This might also be referred to as a Text-Only copy.
  4. An E-mail Version, another plain text copy, but this one is specifically formatted for the length-of-line restrictions in e-mails. This is also a Text-Only copy.